Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Live With It

So I have a motto, and it is, put simply: Live. It's a rather new motto for me, brought forth by too many death-related incidents with which I have had close contact over the past nine months. I bitch and moan a lot, and that rather put things in perspective for me. I think it's a good motto to have, and that you should all abide by it as well: we only have one shot to live, so you better damn well take advantage of it. We'll start out with that. More shortly on why I've decided to start this blog anyway.

1 comment:

William O'Neal said...

Main Entry: vitriol
Pronunciation: 'vi-trE-&l
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English
: something felt to resemble vitriol especially in caustic quality; especially : virulence of feeling or of speech

Yo Jasmine, I can't wait for more ;-)